Coiling for Lyme

Trying to cure one case of Lyme Disease


self portraitMy name is Rose K. Murphy. I am a former activist who has spent the past five and a half years struggling with Lyme Disease. This blog is about my experience trying a coil machine to kill off the Lyme bacteria, and the other tick-borne illnesses I have, for good.

I went from a fun, more than full-time job to being unable to walk from my couch to the toilet in my 500 sq. ft. apartment.  It took a year to get a correct diagnosis, partly because none of the doctors who saw me tested for it and partly because I was too sick to look for a doctor who could figure out what was going on. I took some heavy-duty antibiotics for a suspected parasite and that got me temporarily well enough to do some digging around to find out what was really going on. With some luck, one neurologist sent me to an immunologist specializing in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. The immunologist told me I had CFS, but she didn’t know what was causing the neurological problems that made it hard for me to walk.  I looked online for doctors who test for and treat the underlying causes of CFS, and I found the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. From there, I found Dr. Jeffrey A. Morrison, who correctly diagnosed me and has been helping me get my life back. (We were featured in a news story. Video part way down the page.)

I took antibiotics for most of the 3 years after I got diagnosed, with a short break during which I used herbs and give a rest to my digestive tract, which was in terrible shape before I started antibiotics. It has took all the way until September 2010 for me to be able to walk normally. I still have a lot of symptoms and fatigue. But the good days are becoming a bit more frequent, and the number of days in bed is diminishing. Somehow, I got the feeling that antibiotics weren’t going to get me across the finish line, which is why I left them behind.

I learned about Rife machines and coil machines pretty early on, but it looked really fringe and I had no one I trusted who knew anything about it. In October 2010, I met a woman who is using a coil machine and who answered most of my questions. She told me where to get a Doug Coil Machine. It’s a pretty tricky situation since I have to do this without my doctor’s advice. Given that I’ve now joined the fringe, I’m using this blog to  record my experiences with the coil machine.

I haven’t been well enough to work for the past several years (even by the SS Disability standard of 20 hours per week). But on the occasional days when I’m well, I’m an aspiring author. My poem, These Birds Will Fly Again, is posted at Poets for Living Waters, a response to the BP oil spill. (Search for the title, it’s near the bottom of the page.) A fairy tale I wrote in 2004, The Postman, was recently published in a book of modern fairy tales, Merry Sorrows: (Un)Happy Endings. Over the past two years, I helped out two friends by editing and designing their chapbooks, both of which I recommend: Living, Learning, Loving, by margaux delotte-bennett, and Love and Maladies, by Eamon Loingsigh. (They are also available at Besides this blog, I’m writing my first novel.

P.S. The banner is a photo I shot while sitting in a wheelchair on the beach in Barletta, Puglia, Italy.

5 replies

  1. What a wonderful way to start the new year! Blog your truth and chart your healing!


  3. Nice to stumble into a story of courage.
    I hope you are walking again
    free from the walls of that wheelchair
    but the breeze of the sea
    and the songs of the gulls
    remain with you.

  4. HI….MY NAME IS Anne and I’ve been using a Coil Machine for 1 1/2 years…i have Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia….After using it for just one week I was already feeling better anD NOW….WOW!! I am walking, talking and feeling amazing!!! After almost dying before getting this and only being on constant IV and pills ….. I am doing well. I found out the I.V.’s and antibiotics were killing me not helping me…

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